June Schedule

2020 is turning out to be the year from hell so far, isn't it? At times like this, I find that things can get a little too depressing and genuinely affect my mental health for the worst thanks to my apparently unending need to take in as much news and information as I can. Instead, I'm going to push forward as best I can, trying to get things done while the UK and US continue their descent into fascist disaster.
Right, reliving current nightmares over, let's try and look forward to what's going to be published here as we head towards the halfway point of the year... Oh balls, we're not even halfway through the year yet? Just how much worse is it going to get? It's said that it's always darkest just before the dawn - I hope that's true.
Thursday 4th June - movie review: Extraction
A new movie! From 2020! A movie released for the first time in this year! It's been so long! Okay, yeah, it's Netflix, but it still counts...
Monday 8th June - TV review: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, season 6
The Dominion War kicks into high gear as the best Trek continues it's march towards the end game.
Thursday 11th June - movie review: Inglourious Basterds
Not a new movie like Extraction, but one I haven't seen before, but have been wanting to see and only recently found out it's on Netflix (in the UK, at least)
Monday 15th June - movie review: The Irishman
Wow, would you look at that - another Netflix movie and another movie I haven't seen before. It's almost like there's a running theme for this particular month.
Thursday 18th June - TV review: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, season 7
And this is time for the grand finale to one of my favourite TV shows ever. Whatever show I pick next is going to have a tough time following DS9.
Monday 22nd June - movie review: Bird Box
Guess real quick - have I seen this movie before and where will I be watching it? If your answers are 'no' and 'Netflix' then... treat yourself to a cookie or something, I don't have any prizes for you.
Thursday 25th June - movie review: The American
Another movie I've been wanting to see for ages, another I discovered is also on Netflix. Can you tell that I went through my list of stuff to watch? Not too obvious, is it?
Monday 29th June - game review: Assassin's Creed Odyssey: The Fate of Atlantis DLC
I figure that giving myself a deadline will finally encourage me to see this particular story arc through to the end. After all, there's a lot of other Assassin's Creed games to get through yet.